Saturday, March 9, 2013

Last Minute Decisions!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!

So this week I have realized I have made 2 last minute decisions, which both ended up turning out just fine. Sometimes that happens, that's life.

The first was Tuesday. I originally had this on.

Then I got outside and realize that it was COLD. 52 degrees is freezing here in FL!

So I went back inside and put on tights and boots instead.

I was much warmer :)

Here is a close up of my necklace.

The other last minute decision was yesterday. My mother in law was coming back for her 2nd weeknd stay with us. The original idea was she would get here around 5:30, then we would go out to dinner. Well, she ended up getting stuck behind an accident, causing her 2 hour trip to become a 4 1/2 hour trip, and H got stuck at work for an extra 2 hours. SO. I didn't have anything defrosted, nothing ready. So I went home, did a quick inventory of what I had, and ran to Publix for some groceries. I remembered I had pinned this mac and cheese recipe! and had been wanting to make it. I had everything on hand except for the 2 cheeses (and I couldn't find them shredded, only block) that it asked for.

Oh my word it was amazing! I am sorry I did not get progress photos. I also picked up a store bought chicken (my Lent practicing self had some fish H brought home from work) and I made homemade biscuits.

Here are some photos I did get....seriously, MAKE THIS! I did double the recipe, and I also put it in a casserole dish and in the oven on 425 for about 10 minutes to get it to thicken after I did the stovetop instructions. was so good.

I was able to get this photo though.


Tonight's agenda is going to the Salty Dog for dinner, and then out for ice cream! I have enjoyed having my mother in law here. My living room is now grey, more on that later :)

I love reading your comments! :)

1 comment:

  1. This sounds amazing! (although my husband will kill me if I put brocoli in it; so I'll have to leave that on the side!)
