Friday, September 13, 2013

Traveling Must Haves

I travel a lot. I used to travel more when Matt and I were long distance (we didn't live together until we got married!) but now I travel more to visit family and friends back home and somewhat for work. And of course Ireland later this month :)

I have a few 'must haves' when I fly. 

Starbucks. Usually it's a chai frapp but this Starbucks was out of chai (what!) so a mocha light will do. Always with soy milk. 

Lip gloss/chap stick. My lips always tend to get dry! This is my favorite. The shade is "pink satin". It has SPF too!

My iPad, a juicy novel, and magazines. Self explanatory. 

Others include: iPhone, iPod touch, apple charger, headphones, flip flops for security, and a hair tie. 

Hope everyone has a great Friday. 

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